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Fierté Multi-Academy Trust

Our Family of Schools


Pupils are regarded as having special educational needs if they have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of learners of the same age. Also, if they have a disability which either prevents or hinders them from making use of educational facilities of a kind provided for learners of the same age. In the vast majority of instances children identified as requiring support are catered for within class. 

We aim to promote all of our learners as experts during their time in the school. We celebrate the fact that many of our learners possess a wide range of sporting, artistic or other talents. We take advantage of all opportunities to develop the expertise of learners who are gifted.

Our SEND School Information Report can be viewed at the link below:

Individual Learning Plans

Individual Learning Plans are a tool for responding to the individual needs of pupils focusing in particular on learners with Special Educational Needs, Social or Emotional (behavioural) challenges or Disadvantaged Learners who are in receipt of Pupil Premium. The aim of an Individual Learning Plan is to convey key information about the individual child; in particular their interests, needs, and strategies for overcoming difficulties as well as their targets for learning, which are set and reviewed on a termly basis. The target documents follow the Assess – Plan – Do- Review graduated approach as advised in the new SEND Code of Practice to individualise approaches to support. It has been created in collaboration with staff, parents and most importantly learners from Dosthill Primary Academy to ensure it is a child friendly process and all stakeholders are involved in achieving the desired outcomes.  These are all done on Edu-Key Provision Mapping and parents can access the plans through a secure link shared by the SENDCo.


If you have any causes for concern about your child. Please fill in the form on the following link:

Parent/Carer Cause for Concern Form

Mrs Katie Smith

Special Education Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator